Southwater Day Nursery & Pre-school
Phone: 07584 125962
Address: Worthing Road, Southwater, West Sussex RH13 9JH
Nursery manager: Sallyanne Kasey
Opening hours: Monday - Friday 8am – 6pm (Monday – Friday)
At our Southwater Day Nursery & Pre-school we guarantee a fun, stimulating and safe environment for children right up until they start school.
When children join our setting, we ensure that attachments are in place between the parents and staff, as much as between the children and staff, in order to establish two-way relationships built on trust and respect.
Every member of our team has a passion for the age group with which they work and is committed to extending their professional knowledge in order to offer exciting opportunities for the children.
We promote diversity and equality and will value your child’s individuality and independence, as we do with all children.
Southwater Pre-school is in the grounds of the local Infant School, offering smooth transitions from the Nursery Unit to Pre School and from Pre School to School Reception Class. We have a good relationship with the Infant School and its teachers, which ensures there is a solid handover of information when children transition there from our setting.
Southwater is an inclusive setting with a sensory room and a range of specialist resources. We also support children who speak English as an Additional Language and celebrate diversity and multiculturalism.
The Baby Snug (3 months – 2 years)
Our baby room is a warm, safe and nurturing space where your child will have access to a range of stimulating and captivating learning opportunities, such as such as sensory play, baby massage, baby Picasso, mindfulness for early years and baby Yoga.
Our team of qualified and experienced practitioners bring a wealth of knowledge and passion to your child’s development and care.
The Toddler Den (2 – 3 years)
In our toddler room your child will enjoy a range of engaging activities supported by skilled and knowledgeable practitioners, who ensure their play leads to learning in all areas of the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) framework.
This includes music and movement sessions, such as yoga and other physical activities that extend their fine and gross motor (large movement) skills.
The Pre-school Study (3 – 5 years)
Preparing for school and those next big steps in education is a big deal, so in our pre-school room we focus on activities that promote reading, writing, maths and science, whilst ensuring your child is learning as they play.
All activities are carefully planned so we cover all areas of learning. We also aim to develop your child’s independence and emotional resilience.
Nursery and Pre-school Manager: Sallyanne Kasey
Sallyanne is a highly experienced practitioner with a career in early years education that began in 1989.
She started as a private nanny before advancing to the role of pre-school supervisor and eventually took on her current position as leader of the team at Southwater.
During this time, Sallyanne has obtained a BA (Hons) in Early Years and Early Years Teacher status. This additional expertise ensures that the care and education provided to children at Southwater consistently meet the highest industry standards.
Parking and accessibility
Off road parking is available and we are wheelchair accessible.
He chats the whole way home about the team, his friends and the various toys and activities from the day - sometimes he has had such a good time he doesn't want to leave!